About us

The Largest Business Expert !
Our Vission

IndiGo’s credibility is based on the technical competence of its consultants and their experience and long track record in the provision of consultancy and training services to the benefit of different institutions such as private companies, government institutions as well as development partners.

Our Mission

We are deeply committed to understand the needs of our clients and value a lasting partnership in finding the most appropriate and holistic solutions enabling sustainable growth.

Our Value

IndiGo Quality Management Consultancy Plc is established with the objective of providing effective solutions to the training and consultancy needs of our valued customers.

Project Completed
Happy Clients
Business Plan
Cup Of Tea
Excellence Record
IndiGo Quality Management Consultancy has fulfilled some capacity development and technical assistance projects in Ethiopia which include project management support, quality management system implementation, environmental and social compliance audits to textile facilities and fashion brands, feasibility study and technical assistance to projects.
We have provided technical assistance for capacity building and expansion of conformity assessment services in Ethiopia. We have been extensively involved in sustainability and quality system development projects and have provided consultancy in capacity development, strategic planning and change management.
Indigo recently got the status of Approved Training Service Provider (ATP) for ZDHC Academy
Our team

Mekonnen Habtemichael

Mekonnen Habtemichael

as a Master of Technology (M.Tech) Degree in Dyestuff Technology from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Post graduate Diploma in Operation Management, has more than 10 years of work experiences in Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise and Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute and currently he is working as a private trainer and consultant.


Theodros Zekarias

Managing Partner
Theodros Zekarias
has more than 20 years of experience in laboratory testing, training, implementation of quality management system based on ISO/IEC 17025, auditing and laboratory accreditation. He has MSc. Degree in Textile Chemistry, BSc.has  Authority of Ethiopia as senior laboratory testing expert and after restructuring of QSAE he worked at Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise (ECAE)
What they've said about us

“Our recommendation and acknowledgment goes to Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. on the implementation of Laboratory Quality Management System based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)”

Abera Kechi (PhD), Scientific Director, EiTEX

“Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. has developed and organized an ESG manual in 345 pages and in addition to in-depth explanation of the topics the manual contains learning outcomes, illustrative examples, drawings, pictures, graphs, case studies, glossary of terms and reference materials for further reading.

GIZ would like to express our satisfaction with the service provided by Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc.”

Yared Fekade, Acting Project Head and Component Manager, GIZ

Sustainable Industrial Clusters (SIC) Project