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Indigo Quality Management Consultancy

IndiGo Quality Management Consultancy is a company engaged in providing consultancy,
training and project implementation services to our esteemed customers.

What We Do

Indigo Quality Management Consultancy PLC. provides consultancy and training service for quality management systems development and implementation, environmental, chemical, social compliance and sustainability requirements. We also conduct environmental, chemical, and social compliance audits and assessments with the aim of continual improvement focused on achievement and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals. 




consultants are available for direct assignments in their respective fields of expertise



All training courses are specifically designed to provide structured learning starting from fundamental principles and advancing to the level of understanding that is necessary to achieve the course objectives.



We provide project management support, quality management system implementation (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, and ISO 50001), and knowledge asset management services to organizations.

Who we are

Indigo Quality Management Consultancy PLC, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, offers consultancy, training, and auditing services for quality management systems, environmental and social compliance, and sustainability. Our team of experienced professionals provides support to various industries, laboratories, and organizations, focusing on international standards and Sustainable Development Goals. We are dedicated to continual improvement and the promotion of sustainable practices.


We engage with our clients to understand their needs and objectives. This involves discussing the specific challenges or opportunities the organization is facing and clarifying the scope of their project.

We gather relevant information about the organization, its processes, and its industry through interviews, surveys, document reviews, and data analysis. This helps in assessing the current state of affairs and identifying areas for improvement.

We identify the key issues, challenges, or opportunities that need to be addressed. We diagnose the root causes of these issues and develop a clear understanding of the underlying factors contributing to them.

We work collaboratively with the our clients to develop potential solutions to the identified problems or opportunities. This may involve brainstorming sessions, workshops, research, and benchmarking against industry best practices. We develop a set of actionable recommendations and strategies tailored to the client's specific needs.

Project Completed
Happy Clients
traninig Cources
succes rate
Completed Projects
our services

“Our recommendation and acknowledgment goes to Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. on the implementation of Laboratory Quality Management System based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)”

Abera Kechi (PhD), Scientific Director, EiTEX

“Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. has developed and organized an ESG manual in 345 pages and in addition to in-depth explanation of the topics the manual contains learning outcomes, illustrative examples, drawings, pictures, graphs, case studies, materials for further reading.

GIZ would like to express our satisfaction with the service provided by Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc.”

Yared Fekade, Acting Project Head and Component Manager, GIZ

Sustainable Industrial Clusters (SIC) Project




Project management


System implementation




System auditing


Conformity Assessment

What they've said about us

“Our recommendation and acknowledgment goes to Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. on the implementation of Laboratory Quality Management System based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)”

Abera Kechi (PhD), Scientific Director, EiTEX

“Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc. has developed and organized an ESG manual in 345 pages and in addition to in-depth explanation of the topics the manual contains learning outcomes, illustrative examples, drawings, pictures, graphs, case studies, glossary of terms and reference materials for further reading.

GIZ would like to express our satisfaction with the service provided by Indigo Quality Management Consultancy Plc.”

Yared Fekade, Acting Project Head and Component Manager, GIZ

Sustainable Industrial Clusters (SIC) Project


Mekonnen Habtemichael


Theodros Zekarias

Managing Partner
Our team

We have been extensively involved in sustainability and quality system development projects and have provided consultancy in capacity development, strategic planning and change management.